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Link of the discipline of pharmacological sciences to the Center of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology of Cuba

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The university-company relationship constitutes a methodological strategy for the preparation of human talent, both in the academic and business fields. Companies find in universities human resources trained in research, with which to perfect existing production and develop R&D with greater precision, while teaching is enriched by linking theoretical knowledge with practice and its application in a real environment. The objective of the work is to disseminate the main results of the link established between the Pharmacological Sciences discipline of the Institute of Pharmacy and Food (IFAL) of the University of Havana and the Directorate of Preclinical Research and Animal Experimentation (DIPEA) of the Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology of Cuba. Among the achievements with the greatest impact are the design and implementation in the facilities of the DIPEA vivarium of laboratory practices integrating the subjects Pharmacology, Toxicology and Biopharmacy; the creation and incorporation into the optional curriculum of the career of a new subject related to the preclinical development of pharmaceutical and biotechnological products, taught by a group of professionals from DIPEA; the insertion in DIPEA of groups of students for the realization of their labor practice and diploma thesis and the beginning of the process of categorization as teachers of several of the professionals linked to this experience. The established link contributed to the better development of the subjects of the discipline and was recognized among the achievements of the work of DIPEA in the year 2022.


university-company link, pharmacological sciences

Author Biography

Juan Carlos Polo Vega

Centro de Ingeniería Genética y Bibiotecnología

Ivón González Blanco

Instituto de Farmacia y Alimentos

Jorge Castro Aldama

Centro de Ingeniería Genética y Bibiotecnología

Lizet Aldana Velazco

Centro de Ingeniería Genética y Bibiotecnología

Rubén Amaya

Centro de Ingeniería Genética y Bibiotecnología

Arlety González Langaney

Instituto de Farmacia y Alimentos


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How to Cite

Polo Vega, J. C., González Blanco, I., Castro Aldama, J., Aldana Velazco, L., Amaya, R., & González Langaney, A. (2022). Link of the discipline of pharmacological sciences to the Center of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology of Cuba. Alternativas, 23(2), 11–16.

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