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Social inclusion in University Education in The Latin America


This article analyzes the scope of inequality and ethnic division in the Spanish-speaking nations in the America. The influence of disparity in the region through shared rights by the Afro-Latin and indigenous groups have been experienced in Universities in for an extended period. One of the first consequence of non-inclusion has seen all disadvantaged groups being cut off from accessing university education. Communal rights are adjudicated on specific ethnic groups. The governments have progressively played a significant role to ensure that their economic goals are given power through empowering of the youths by training. The postgraduate education has given the region incredible hope of a brighter future. They argue that that social recognition in the society will come through success in collective rights. The era is of multicultural political prowess, and ethnic discrimination will lead only to political mobilization. Postgraduate and Doctorate Education has created political analysts that have been identifying disconnections in the political process that built inclusion. Their role has been un-seemingly valuable in the development of non-discrimination laws.


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Cómo citar

Garcia Vacacela, R. C. (2020). Social inclusion in University Education in The Latin America. Alternativas, 21(1).

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