The editorial team of the journal will be composed of an Editor-in-Chief, Associate Editors, Editorial Board Members, and peer reviewers.

The Editor-in-Chief, together with the Associate Editors, will carry out a preliminary evaluation of the received papers. Manuscripts that pass this initial selection will be assigned to one of the Associate Editors, according to the area of expertise, who will then select external peer reviewers, who may be members of the Editorial Board. With the feedback of two blind peer-reviewers, the associate editor will make a recommendation of decision on a certain manuscript to the Editor-in-Chief.

In the event that a revised version of the manuscript is requested, the authors must submit, within the established period by the Editorial Board, the new version of the manuscript with the changes that have been made, with the new text as bold, highlighted, track changes or with a font color different from that used for the rest of the document. In addition, they must send in a letter indicating the responses to each of the comments raised by the external evaluators.

These documents must be sent in digital format, through the journal's website ( Authors should be careful in their review. Sending the revised and modified article does not mean its acceptance, and it can be sent for a new evaluation. The final decision on the acceptance or not of a manuscript is the result of an evaluation process in which the editorial team, associate editors, reviewers, as well as the quality and responsiveness of the authors to the suggestions raised by the Editorial Board as well as by the external reviewers, all contribute.

The review process followed in the Medicina journal is double blind. The authors do not know the identity of the external reviewers who in turn do not know the identity of the authors. However, the Editorial Board does not oppose to those evaluators who would like to sign their comments.

After the definitive acceptance of the manuscript, the Medicina journal reserves the right to make editorial changes in style or introduce modifications to facilitate its clarity or understanding, including the modification of the title and the abstract, without resulting in changes in its intellectual content.

Once the technical process has been carried out, the authors will receive the printing proofs of the edited manuscript, which they must review and approve within 48 hours. In this phase of the edition, the corrections introduced in the work should be minimal; only modifications in relation to the syntax and semantic understanding of the text will be accepted. The Editorial Board reserves the right to accept or not the corrections made by the authors in the proof. If the authors wish to make any important change (for example, in the results, in the text, in the order of the authors), they must send a letter to the journal, justifying the request; request that must be signed by all the authors of the manuscript. The Editorial Board will evaluate the possibility of including these changes.

Manuscripts that are accepted for publication will remain in the permanent possession of the Medicina journal, and may not be reproduced in whole or in part without their permission. The judgments and opinions expressed in the articles and communications that appear in the journal are the sole responsibility of the authors who sign them. The Editorial Board of the Medicina journal declines any responsibility for the contents of the published papers. In addition, the Board prohibits the advertising of any kind of product, or criticism of any center or organization.