Gerald Stanley Hirsch
Edición: 1ª
Páginas: 122
ISBN: 978–9942–769-90-9
Depósito legal: GYE-011053
The book sets out to identify the principal causes of demotivation among a group of EFL university teachers in Ecuador, and is the first such project in the Latin American region. In contrast to the usual approach to such investigations, centred on a formal survey, the author uses a four-level methodology, including, in addition to a survey, a series of interviews, extended diaries, and also classroom observations.
In addition to the expected listing of the factors identified by the teachers, he raises a series of fundamental questions challenging the importance, the relevance, and even the meaning of the concept of teacher demotivation. Finally, he argues that pursuing a formal investigation "event" is not the best way of studying the normal functioning of an organization, and suggests an alternative.
The work is thought-provoking, and a must-read for anyone contemplating undertaking such an academic investigation in the future.